Like so many in the United States recently, I attended a production of the Broadway musical, “Hamilton.”  To say it was magnificent would be an understatement.  The words, the music, the singing, the dancing, the lighting…everything was enthralling, at least to this observer.  But maybe the best part, or at least what stood out to me, was the joy in the message.

Granted, there are sad parts in the show, but it’s history.  A history of an amazing time when people came together for a cause.  And while there was dissension, there was also a joy.  A joy in what they were doing. 

A joy in not letting anything, including age, get in the way of a goal.

I especially loved the recurring theme from the show of “I won’t give up my shot.”   I think that’s something we all need to hear from time to time. Because many of us 60+ baby boomers can start feeling like we are at the end of the road.  That there’s nothing significant ahead and we don’t have a lot to contribute.  It’s a feeling as though if you could just lie down and nap a bit, it would all be all right….but you never really come out of that “nap.”  You just succumb to a coma of sorts where you go through the motions, but you’re not really living.

You’re not on fire for anything. 

You’re not excited about each day. 

You’re not eager to explore, learn and discover.  To try new things.  To feel the joy that can be yours if you look for it.

We have to fight this foe as hard as any dressed in a uniform or yielding a sword.  And the hardest part is this foe is inside of us.  It’s a happy little blob settled inside our brains and it likes slowly getting its tentacles around our passions, like an old episode of Star Trek.


None of us knows how long we will live.  We didn’t know it when we were 25 either.  So we could live to a ripe old 98.  We could meet the maker tomorrow.  And all that we truly have is right now.

Right this second.  That’s our reality.

So we have to get past this idea that time is somehow looming over us like an invading force, trying to squash whatever we want to do. 

No, it’s NOT too late to take up painting.  Always wanted to try ice carving?  Find a class and go.  Dreamed for years of living in Paris for one season?  Do an internet search for a chalet right now.  Wish you could be in love again?  Get yourself out there and flash that smile.  It’s the same one you had at 25. In fact, it’s better.

We all need a purpose…and it’s easy to feel you don’t have one when you have lots of time on your hands. But a purpose can be as simple as making sure to say a kind word every day to a neighbor who recently lost their spouse. Or fostering an elderly dog who’s spent too much time in the shelter. Or even playing brain games with yourself every morning to stay sharp.  A purpose doesn’t have to involve a major change in your life.  Simple is good.

Right now, today, is our “shot”…our opportunity to make something happen.  Or to at least make a plan.  Start researching a topic.  Get out our passports and think of where we want to go.  Clean off the table and get out the paintbrush and canvas.

As the unfortunate man on the cart said ala Monty Python, you’re not dead yet.

Let’s decide we’re not too old…in fact, considering how young we feel inside, maybe our age never really changes.  So our hearts, our zest for life, our joy at “our shot” doesn’t have to either.

Grandma Moses painted her first painting at 76.  Frank McCourt started writing at 65.  People jump out of airplanes in their 80s.  You don’t have to go that far…but you can take a “leap” and put yourself on an exciting new path.  

So take your shot.  Find your joy.  And rock that wrinkle!

“It ain’t over till it’s over.” Yogi Berra